Secret of US

In shadows deep, where dreams did sigh,I wandered lost, beneath the sky.Through whispers hushed, in a silent gust,I sought a place to lay my trust. Yet in your eyes, a distant hue,I glimpsed the truth, though never knew.For in the echoes of our past,A fleeting moment, it couldn’t last. Leaving stars with secrets they keep,AsContinueContinue reading “Secret of US”

Bleak of Perseverance

Living up in own isle,Surrounded by times and tides.Though a similar constant,Of the growth that everyday hides. We all grew up,Filling up the moments with the right words.Yet simple but more powerful,Enough to fill upon our empty roads. We all grew up,Having a within constant violences.From sharing the deepeer conversations,To living the deepest silences. WeContinueContinue reading “Bleak of Perseverance”

Wishes everyday….

I wish my everyday to be,The brighest and vivid,A less gloom and lesser rain.Yet still see the moon at night,With all the nostalgia through vein. I wish myself to be,The more classy and romantic,A less poetic and lesser try-to-be-fun.Yet still behave like a teen,With no sense of direction. I wish you to be,The poetry andContinueContinue reading “Wishes everyday….”

Because you’re my…..

Roses are red,Violets are blue,The world underneath,Yet incomplete without you.Waking up with heavy heads,As if antlers attached like musks,Yet mind starts blooming,From as early as the dusk, Because you’re …..Holding up the butterflies,Flickering in stomach all day long,With hopes to release with you,When it’s already dawn, Because you’re ….Mesmerizing the moonlight,And those stars shining bright,BuildingContinueContinue reading “Because you’re my…..”

Someday, till I fall over to …..

Someday,I dream of something unrealistic,Going to university,Not to graduateTo live life to the fullest. Joining the first philosophy classBeing in an affair that night,Quoting the poetry learnt,Till I fall over to … Joining the psychology class laterReading her eyes that night,Finding it as the most beautiful heavenTill I fall over to …. Joining the foreignContinueContinue reading “Someday, till I fall over to …..”

मैले के पाए ? (Auditor’s Version)

उनिलाइ Audit गर्न छोडेको मुटुकोInternal Control System कमजोर भयो रे ।नहोस पनि त कसरी,नहोस पनि त कसरी,पुरानो Fraud को दाग नै नमेटिएपछि । । Evidence कसरी मेट्नु मैलेउनको Professional Scepticism ले मलाई साथ नदेला ।Non Adjusting Event भनिदिउंके जिन्दगीको Balance Sheet मा फरक नपर्ला ?? मेरो Balance Sheet र माया आफ्नै कुरा नै होGoing ConcernContinueContinue reading “मैले के पाए ? (Auditor’s Version)”

तिमीले के पायौ ?

धर्म गर्न हिँडेका तिमी,कुन धर्मात्मा भेटेर आयौ ?संस्कृति बचाउन हिँडेका तिमी, कुन श्रष्टा कहलिएर आयौ ? प्राचिन देखिको चलन भन्दै गर्दा, आज कुन चलन चलाउन लार्कियौ ?बाँच्नु भन्दा संस्कृति बचाउनु ठूलो रहेछ, भोलि कुन जात्रा देखाउने मनासायमा फर्कियौ ? घरमा कसैले जात्राको घटना सोध्दा, बहादुरीको कहानी कसरी सुनाउछौ ?आफ्नो धर्म बचाउने आडमा, अरुको कर्म माथिकोContinueContinue reading “तिमीले के पायौ ?”


जीवनभरि अनेकौँ मार्ग यात्रा गरेर, यात्राभरी नयाँ जीवन सिर्जना गर्दछ। कहिँ नदी बनेर, त कहिँ जलसागर, तिब्बतदेखि सप्तकोशीसम्म बग्दछ।। अन्धकारको घेरामा नै रमाएर, भविष्यमा करोडौ घर उज्यालो पार्नेछ। मानबसृजित कैदीबन्दीको घेरा तोडेर, आफ्नो लामो यात्राको रेखा आफैँ कोर्नेछ।। करिब चार करोड वर्ष देखि बग्दैगर्दा,बिभिन्न बाधाहरु आफ्नै शैलीमा फुकाए। कहिले खोला त कहिले जलसागर, तर कहिलेContinueContinue reading “तामाकोशी”

Creating an artist of their own.

It’s the month of August, and there is the worst season going on this month for most people out there. It’s not the rainy season as global warming has caused rainfall to occur from the mid-May, but it’s the season that challenges every school students to focus on their studies, rather than the trending PUBG.ContinueContinue reading “Creating an artist of their own.”

An Optimistic Dreamer – Entrepreneurs

Where do most of the time of our short life end up? It depends according to the individuals on how they decide to spend their life, but one of the particular places where we spend significantly is the workplace. Work is that duties that are surpassed or undertaken by the individual, in a general sense.ContinueContinue reading “An Optimistic Dreamer – Entrepreneurs”