Creating an artist of their own.

It’s the month of August, and there is the worst season going on this month for most people out there. It’s not the rainy season as global warming has caused rainfall to occur from the mid-May, but it’s the season that challenges every school students to focus on their studies, rather than the trending PUBG. Oh, yeah, it’s the examination season for those schooling kids. With the development in the education system and the direct foreign investment or the international collaboration on schools, the Nepalese education trend has gone to a new level. Still, my concern for this article is just about art and craft. It makes me feel happier as these are treated similarly to the core subjects, not like before as this used to carry marks, but marks obtained were solely based upon the teacher’s perception upon the student.

This is really a piece of great, great news, but going through depths, what does it comprise of? All those essential sorts like painting, craving and etc. Doing those is undoubtedly an art, but the most significant artwork in my view are those, upon excelling, life goes to a new level with great ease. Those creators of trending life hacks of Youtube are the real artists of life, making the personal experience much more accessible, and living up to the hype of expectation is what I believe a real art is. Well, its a good idea of teaching art to the schooling kids, but this can be made great by adding a new skill to it; The art of cooking healthier and simpler food.

Taking a scenario, In the US, every two Americans in ten minutes die, and the life expectancy of every American generation is decreasing, resulting from obesity and consumed food being the sole reason for this. Though obesity can be caused by other factors like Genetic factors, Mental factors, Sleep habits, Medication problems, Aging, but food, being the controllable and primarily responsible factor gets a particular concern every time. Since many Americans depend on the fast-food chains, processed foods, foods with high contents of flavor-enhancing additives, and the supermarket items in more significant quantities, these all have to be the reason for obesity.The reasons for such dependencies are lack of time, knowledge, and the greatest of all is the idea of cooking healthier since the want of food is satisfied every time by those, is it even necessary to roam around the kitchen searching for things? It might not be, but it’s damn worthier.


Since unhealthy food habits have been the primary reason for obesity among Americans, what does it do with a country like ours, where a significant population lives on poverty? It’s just in our own eyes, still a country of poverty, hunger, and malnutrition. Yet, statistics suggest otherwise”.

  Overweight in % Obese in %
  (25-29.99 kg/m2) (>30 kg/m2)
Terai 8.7 8.7
Major Hill 27.8 7.2
Hill native 41.3 8.2
Hill occupational  26.3 1.3
35-49 32.2 9.1
50-65 35.4 5.5
>65 30.5 5.5
Socio-economic status
Low 21.9 3.8
Middle 41.5 9.l
High 43.9 14.6
Labour 69.1 4.7
Agriculture 67.9 2.5
Ex-army men 36.4 6.8
Technical/Business  53.4 11.4
Data : Overweight and obesity statistics according to criteria in columns

Though we rank among the least obese nation globally today, it’s apparent that we will be facing similar to American’s today, a few years or a decade later as the dependency of Nepalese has too increased over-processed food. The only billionaire of the country runs conglomerate with the processed food industry. Being the major and the other rich belonging to the chain supermarket operators, it quickly suggests our dependencies over junk foods. Global fast-food chains are being established over the major cities, and the restaurants are taking over every street. Around 2,000 standard restaurants, bars, fast food outlets, and cafes are operating across the country. According to the Department of Industry, there are 716 registered restaurants with an investment of Rs 30 million and above. The increasing spending capacity of Nepalis has been one of the significant factors for this. Aided by the rising inflow of remittances, Nepalis now have more disposable income than they had decades ago, with Nepalese spending around 11% of their income. Certain groups solely depend upon these for their daily consumption, which is sure to increase in the coming years.

Eating at restaurants has often been viewed as a luxury and a show-off of living in an affluent class society. With this increasing trend, people have been more vulnerable to obesity ever than before, and the demand for such food has created a taste influence upon kids to prefer, rather than the healthy way of eating. This perception now has to be changed, kids are to be provided with a healthy way of eating, and the primary solution to these can be teaching them to grow and cook particular healthy food. Making them the artist that shapes their own life towards being healthy, and this positively impacts the family, society, and the country in the end through a multiplier effect.

Nepal’s national health programs include surveillance components for
communicable and other childhood diseases (e.g., measles and tetanus) as well as endemic diseases (e.g., malaria). Without national health programs for NCDs, Nepal has no surveillance programs.An appropriate demographic surveillance site for tracking noncommunicable risk factors would provide a good start for obtaining quality data. The inclusion of noncommunicable components in the overall health system should definitely be the nation’s ultimate goal. Still, the government is not working up to the requirement. Schools can play the role of teaching healthier ways of cooking and eating, corporate, and taking CSR as a responsibility rather than publicity and packaging according to definite health necessities and families towards changing their way of consumption.


“Each individual is an artist of own primarily, that of society and nation secondarily.” 

 – UTSAV LUITEL(livinglikenomads)


Published by utsavlt98_

Introvert by nature, wonderer by mind and passionate by heart.

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