An Optimistic Dreamer – Entrepreneurs

Where do most of the time of our short life end up? It depends according to the individuals on how they decide to spend their life, but one of the particular places where we spend significantly is the workplace. Work is that duties that are surpassed or undertaken by the individual, in a general sense. This division of the work has been made even before the development of the modern man. The movie ‘The Gods Must Be Crazy, about the nomads of Kalahari Desert, and believed to be the replica of human during the forestage, clearly shows out the duties that were surpassed to every member of the tribe. Those duties may be different from now and then, but the essence it carries is the same since the reason for doing so is to sustain life whatever the motives individual argue.

Humans often misjudge a thing for others, and a similar misjudgment that is made as work, maybe work for some reason but more ever an art in a thousand more ways is ‘Entrepreneurship.’ Like the mobile phones that are produced by Apple Inc. are preferred moreover to be called as iPhone rather than a mobile phone or only a phone, similarly Entrepreneurship having an essential nature similar to jobs or works. Still, I like calling it art instead. Ironic is that even Samsung produces its mobile phones as Galaxy phones, but no one bothers calling them Galaxy phones but goes with calling as a common name, mobiles, or phones only. The simple meaning is that some of the things are so different and unique that a particular term is used, despite having a generic name. This has to be the reason for why I call Entrepreneurship an art, not merely a job.

Entrepreneurship is a way of looking into the future, analyzing what the people need in the future, and how it can make their lives much more straightforward, not just carrying out the business and making much money. It is a vision of thinking future and making that future come true by developing their ideas in the form of the products or services. Besides this, it is truly a skill of reading the consumer’s mind what they want, making capital follow their ideas, convincing the investors, dedication, giving up a more relaxed life, apprenticeship, and experience, giving up education and skills in other thousand ways. Every successful entrepreneur, from Mark Zuckerberg to Steve Jobs to Jeff Bezos, came up with ideas and concepts that seemed unrealistic to the rest of us. But today, their crazy decisions have created a significant impact and changed the world forever. Take Mark Zuckerberg, for instance, as we know his story about creating Facebook that connected the whole world in the next decade and gave up his Harvard degree for this vision. Entrepreneurs like to take risks and operate in a completely chaotic system with multiple uncertainties and surprises, and such people are quite rare, extraordinarily unique, and crazy.

Every one of us is well known for ‘Lego.’ Entrepreneurship is similar to building structures out of those Lego, as it can go in any directions being unpredictable, having no model of building it. Iany of the hundreds of building blocks becomes weak, it may not support the structures above it and falls apart. Entrepreneurship typically focuses on the launching and running of new businesses. Due to the high risks involved in launching a start-up, a significant proportion of start-up businesses have to close due to “lack of funding, bad business decisions, an economic crisis, lack of market demand—or a combination of all of these, despite possessing such a set of skills, dedication, and passion. The obtained statistical data from the unknown source shows the failure rates.


An entrepreneur is an entity that can find and act upon opportunities to translate inventions or technology into new products: “The entrepreneur can recognize the commercial potential of the invention and organize the capital, talent, and other resources that turn an invention into a commercially viable innovation.“Not necessarily every entrepreneur needs to have tons of capital to establish in the market; there are potential investors out there seeking these opportunities. There’s even a famous saying out there“Capital follows the idea and generates even more capital” Doesn’t these still make entrepreneurship an art and entrepreneur an artist? The answer still lies within ourselves. 

“World that called them dreamer once, now calls Entrepreneur”.

– UTSAV LUITEL(livinglikenomads)

Published by utsavlt98_

Introvert by nature, wonderer by mind and passionate by heart.

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