Equality or Equity ? What matters the most ?

The debate starting from the time of Aristotle and one of the hottest debatable topics going around every time. Yet we just struggle to find word meaning rather than sensual meaning to develop an analytical mindset rather than the conceptual framework ignoring the impacts that it can have on us and our lives. Having problems in life? Try differentiating between these and way better solution is obtained every time. Do you see the same high school friend succeeding more than you and developing a sense of jealousy or feeling pity upon yourself? Of course, everyone does. Though both of you had been to the same high school and opportunities were the same, but he succeeded more than you since he got into his own successful family business, which you lack, equity element is lacking here. “Does equity matters the most, then?” If it mattered the most, there would be no failures around the world as professors had views to pass everyone who attempted the exams failing none of them, and we would never ever obtain fascinating failures stories. “Is it equality that matters the most ?” Had equality been given the importance then every patient at the hospital would be getting the same medicines despite their disorders, but since equity been given importance, the diabetic patient receives insulin and fever patient receives paracetamol.

Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities, while equity is the quality of being fair and impartial. This is best explained by the popular internet graphic.

1                                                                                  2

In the first of two graphics, all three people have one crate to stand on. In other words, there is “equality” since everyone has same number of boxes, the equal opportunity , despite the need for the tallest one and the necessity of even another crate for the shortest. While this is helpful for the middle-height person, it is not enough for the most concise and extra for the tallest. In contrast, in the second graphic, there is “equity,” in which each person has the number of crates they need to fully enjoy the game. The problem with the graphic has to do with where the initial inequity is located. In the graphic, some people need more support to see over the fence because they are shorter, an issue inherent to the people themselves, and that’s where inequity is located.

Since everyone treated accordingly to equality and equity in the circumstances, but the question still is, “When are we exposed to these?” Every child needs to grow into a man, and since this phase, exposures to equality and equity are seen. What’s the most significant thing on this earth for everyone? It depends upon the personal views, but a mother is the obvious one for us. Even she shows this behavior on the thing she loves the most, her children. Every one of the children gets her equal love, which is equality, while the one prone to infections gets more care, and the skinny one gets more foods and others to get something more in which they lack, such is equity. The question still is, “What matters the most?” The most straightforward answer to this is it has been ever-changing with time.

In the beginning, when the concept of schooling developed more of the emphasis was given to equality; where everyone was given the same place to study, same uniforms to wear; and the same books to read; but these days the concept of equity has become a new focus for our school. Everyone is different; therefore, we don’t have the exact same needs as each other. If everyone is given equal opportunity, then it may work for some people and not for others. Our school is pushing for the idea of being fair. Physically disabled are provided with facilities of their ease while mentally disabled are given special attention and supervision to help them too crave their ways like healthy kids. Both equality and equity are seen in the schooling of children everywhere around the world at every level.

What’s the motive of every person’s life? It may well differ from basic to the complicated and ambitious motive person wise, but simplest of all that everyone does is, sustain their life, which is the earning. Before the industrial revolution, there was labor-intensive work. The technical knowledge used to be applied to a very less extent caused the emphasis of the job providers to maintain equality, which included the same wage rates, safe working conditions, same rate of overtime pay, same company vehicle for all to travel, etc. Later on, when every task needed technical capabilities and worked changed to machine intensive, equity now started overruling over equality. With those capabilities, one had to be paid more wage, and those with less or even no technical skills had to be provided with learning and training facilities.

Analyzing over to these factors, can we still answer, “What matters the most?” Of course, not. Had we been able to, then this debate wouldn’t be ongoing since Aristotle to this date. One overrules the other, or one dominates over the other in the different circumstances. Still, the existence of both the factors, to some extent, gave rise to a new system called “JUSTICE,” which provided a concept to liberation. This is where all the walls of creating equality and equity are broken down, and each individual act accordingly but still guided by principles of justice and fairness. 


– UTSAV LUITEL(livinglikenomads)

Published by utsavlt98_

Introvert by nature, wonderer by mind and passionate by heart.

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